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Kenadee Bryant

Admission Counselor

Kenadee BryantB.A. in Political Science, Baldwin Wallace University

Contact, (440) 826-8025

Where might you see me?

  • Cleveland's Eastside Suburbs
  • Ohio Counties: Ashland, Carroll, Columbiana, Crawford, Mahoning, Marion, Morrow, Richland, Stark, Trumbull, Tuscarawas.
  • States: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Wisconsin.

Hometown and state: Lorain, Ohio

What makes BW distinctive for me? Baldwin Wallace stands out as an institution that offers outstanding opportunities across all majors, while still maintaining what makes the small school special. During my time as a student at BW, I was exposed to amazing opportunities while having small enough class sizes to grow strong relationships with my professors and classmates. I was able to receive the help I needed from my professors to succeed. In my professional career, I am ecstatic to be back at BW! I am so excited to help students make their way to BW and show them how special of a place it is.

What do I love most about Berea and Cleveland? I think that Berea has a small town/suburban charm, that contrasts well with what the city of Cleveland has to offer. You get both the charm of a smaller town, as well as the luxuries of living near a metropolitan area. I love the Cleveland sports scene, the proximity to Lake Erie and the amazing Cleveland Metroparks.

Where would I still like to visit that I haven’t already? Spain

If I could meet any historical figure, who would it be and why? If I had the chance to meet any historical figure, I would choose Teddy Roosevelt. I think his passion for conservation was very interesting and forward-thinking for the time he was president. He founded our national parks and supported preserving natural resources. I would love to have a conversation about why he found conservation to be so important in a time when it was not as prevalent of an issue.

My message to prospective students thinking about the value of college and BW: When thinking about my time spent at Baldwin Wallace now as an alum, it is so clear to me that my time here prepared me for life after college in so many ways. BW prepared me for success through research, internship opportunities and networking events. I also made so many valuable connections during my time here with other students and professors. For those considering Baldwin Wallace, I cannot emphasize enough how special of a place it is. While the community here is small, we are so diverse, and our campus truly offers something for everyone. At BW, you get the small school experience without missing out on big opportunities.